All too often we hear that the technology in a room can be overwhelming. It is difficult to navigate, control, understand, and many customers feel that the technology is working against them rather than with them. This can become a frustrating and time-consuming mess, especially for the IT team tasked with regularly performing CPR on these A/V systems. Ideally you already have an A/V integrator that you can rely on to properly design and maintain your audiovisual systems. Unfortunately, that might not be the case.

Does this sound like you’re A/V experience? Well, Tempest Technologies is here to help. We will work with you to create a room that any user can operate; from the tech-savvy to the tech-challenged.  

Below are three common causes of A/V migraines and how the Tempest Team can help you diagnose and resolve them:


Problem: The technology in your space does not meet the corporate mandate or latest A/V industry standards. Companies use technology to drive growth, but with outdated equipment, that becomes increasingly difficult.

Solution: Tempest Technologies will bring your systems up to the current industry standard and create future-friendly solutions.

Problem: You have a system that was expensive, but it is underperforming. All too often, it is providing more features than you need, but not the ones you need the most.

Solution: Tempest Technologies will get a crystal-clear understanding of how you need the technology to work and design a reliable system that will best suit your needs.
Problem: Nobody knows how to make it work! Employee attrition, inheriting existing systems, or simply a lack of end user training can lead to a group of users that don’t know how to make things work.
Solution: Tempest Technologies provides end user training sessions or a leave-behind instructional sheets that can make all the difference in the world.


If you have an orphaned system that needs some care, are designing a new room, upgrading an existing room, or constructing a new facility, Tempest Technologies can be there for you each step of the way.