Issaquah Food Bank

The team at Tempest Technologies (a SAVe Certified company) is committed to supporting our community through volunteering and fundraising. Tempest has been a longtime supporter of the Issaquah Food and Clothing Bank (IFCB) and their youth programs Power Packs, Summer Lunch and Lunch for the break. As part of our commitment to the community, the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and SAVe, one of the SDGs we have elected to focus on as a company is #2 Zero Hunger.
We are keenly aware that the challenges of the past few years have created even greater hardship for families in our community, with as many as one in six children going to school hungry each day. Often school is the only place a child receives regular meals, so when school is not in session the programs offered by IFCB may become the only resource that will keep families from having to skip meals to make ends meet. With hunger reaching an all-time high in our community, IFCB has experienced a 50% increase in demand this past year, so we wanted to up our efforts to help those facing food insecurity. Recently Tempest was a sponsor for IFCBs Recipe for Hope event. This event is the primary fundraiser for IFCB, with 100% of the proceeds going to support programs that are the lifeline helping families on their road to resilience. In less than two weeks our team raised over $2,000 for IFCB.
About the Issaquah Food & Clothing Bank The Issaquah Food & Clothing Bank seeks to create a connected, supportive community where everyone has an opportunity to thrive. Founded in 1971, IFCB strives every day to unite our community in nourishing and nurturing individuals by removing barriers to healthy food, vital resources, and connections to essential services. We are committed to providing quality food and basic necessities to anyone in need in our 110- square-mile service area, including Issaquah, Sammamish, Newcastle, and East Renton. For more information about IFCB and how to get involved, visit